Monday, May 10, 2010

The Anatomy of Repression

Amnesty International India is running a Facebook campaign on the Top 10 Things to Know about the post-conflict situation in Sri Lanka; if you care about the issue, you might consider joining their soon-to-be launched signature campaign that puts pressure on the UN for an independent investigation.

During the Sri Lankan conflict, I had put up a note on The Anatomy of Repression (see below), about the Lankan government’s callous approach to what had become a humanitarian disaster. Especially notable is the first link, a posthumous letter from Lasantha Wikramatunge (former editor of The Sunday Leader, assassinated in January 2009) to the Sri Lankan President, sent from the grave – it sets the tone for everything that follows.

The Anatomy of Repression

Kill off dissenters...

…block relief agencies…

… use children for propaganda…

… deny media reports on civilian casualties …

… and 'try' (spelled j-a-i-l) the messengers!

To be read, of course, in conjunction with The Dictator’s Handbook at:

(Oops, the last link's been swallowed by a subscription wall; it essentially talked about how dictatorships quickly adapt to circumstances, have learnt to use new technology like social media, uncannily co-opt allies and neutralize enemies by using a combination of quasi-legal (e.g. rigged elections) and guerrilla-like tactics (E.g. Sri Lanka playing off India vs. China in exchange for arms)... which were likely to have been the staple of the dissidents of the regime in the first place. A reader's reaction to this article is openly available here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi nice site