Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chicago GSB @ Bangalore

Attended the Chicago GSB reception at Bangalore yesterday. Along with approx. 100 other talented, extraordinary Indians who all want to make it to the Windy City. Amen.

The presentation moved on a semi-formal note; Kurt Olsen (?) the Adcom head introduced himself and a couple of alums and went on to explain about the school.

Main points touted about the school were:
 70 Nobel Prize winners as faculty (tempted to ask how many of them teach but desisted)
 Chicago has the 2nd highest no of Fortune 500 offices next to the Big Apple.
 If you are going to do your 2nd MBA, you need to clearly explain Why.
 Alumni network is very strong and quite dedicated (is what one would assume based on the ppt)
 All the alumni present there had worked for quite some time in the US before applying for Chicago.
 Being in a top school is like getting invited to the dance; what you do at the “recruiting” dance is upto you.
 New Hyde Park centre which is like a giant glass lobby in the middle of the Univ.
 Guaranteed loan without cosignors available for international students.
 TOEFL can be waived for good English speakers.
 Other arbitrary points adding up to saying that you need to spend approx. 50 lakhs for 2 years.

 “Cool dude” looking alumni casually mentioned “Started a company in 2000; sold it in 2003; started and operating my 2nd company”…and audience is like “oooooohhh” Am like “Me, I do that every week”.
 Another squeaky voiced current student explained how he is “discovering himself” and learning to do all kinds of dancing over there. Expensive classes, these $100,000 dollar dancing classes.
 Another s/ware techie alum explained how he had come out of the US and was working with HP out of B’lore. Bugger got irritated about how the audience wasn’t sticking to the question format

 Looked appetizing but I missed it since the bus to Cochin was at 9pm.

 Chicago was in my original list of schools for 1st round applications. Now decision stands firm.


SG said...

Yes sir...I knew for sure that I wouldnt be applying before I attended the meet...I am dead sure now....Did we meet?

Kusum Rohra said...

Expensive classes, these $100,000 dollar dancing classes.

That expensive ! But still please see if you can manage to shake a leg there, dancing is such pleasure,no?

Am like “Me, I do that every week”.

It's unfair right, that we wimin never make the advances? So your number please :P

Anonymous said...

you will love chicago . I've been here 3 years. I love it.
period. :-)


Ganja Turtle said...

"echo"-Did we meet? At the reception? was wondering if you were around...thought of announcing "ganja turtle would like to know if maelstrom is around"..but didnt think the Chicago GSB guys would take too kindly to that ;-) Why dont u want to apply here?

@ kusum-appreciate your efforts to correct the chauvinistic imbalance of the world, lady...lets take this up offline ;-) "tchukaown wink" (a huge wink where the whole face becomes a wink)

@anonymous-am coming! am coming!