Saturday, September 16, 2006

The View–1 more reason not to leave Kerala (PART 1)

The view from my office window.
I can gaze at hours at this serene meditation centre and come away feeling refreshed. When it rains, the pigeons cluck around and after reaching a quick consensus huddle under the eaves. When it doesn’t, bigger males patiently follow roaming females who lead them round and round in circles. Sounds familiar? ;-)

The view as I enter office (a.k.a. “I AM watching”)
Four churches within walking distance and the smell of frankincense and wax wafting through the air every time I come near office. Considering that I spend almost 10-12 hours every day at work , the fact I can drop into a quiet church for a few silent minutes whenever I feel like is a small perk which gives me severe happiness.

The view from my conference room
Students, parties, villagers, women–everybody comes to the Marine Drive to protest, march and create general mayhem. Nothing like a view with barricades, banners and a bunch of cops to break a dull coffee filled meeting. Note the barricades on the wrong road; on seeing the barricade, the students took a quick diversion to the opposite road and the startled police quickly followed suit. Student activism - Malaise? Menace? Must? Great arguments never end in Kerala–they just take a different route.

The view from the boss room
It helps that one has a decent boss. It really really helps that the decent boss has a room with a decent view and decent appetite-a stock of Hersheys and Oreos for those mind-crunching brainstorming sessions. From cruise ships to breaking thunderstorms to oil tankers to noisy tourists to fishermen in catamarans to funny birds with bright green wings, I never get tired of this view. At night the glitter of the harbour, the swaying of the giant cranes and the steady drizzle of the rain make for a wonderful end to the day. Corner room, here I come.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! The view, the post and the reasons :)

We have a small church too close by and the feeling of entering an empty church and soaking in all those silences is awesome. Sort of a pit stop for me. The view from your bosses window is what dreams are made up of. That's the sea in the background I presume. All the more reason to try for his chair :)

Ganja Turtle said...

"Soaking up the silences"-lovely phrase...Yup, thats where the backwaters join the trying, am trying! ;-[)]

Anonymous said...

"Roaming" female, bro?

Here and now. A bit of Freud on your part or a twinge of jealousy from my side?