Saturday, April 17, 2010

Opinions we can do without - C.V. Arvind in The Hindu

C.V. Arvind painstakingly writes in The Hindu about the perils of pre-marital sex and live-in relationships, an issue of undying importance to upholders of the definitive, untraceable collection of sacrosanct (Indian!) values (a shield usually deployed by morally-challenged, politically shrewd characters which includes the Shiv Sena, the RSS, Sri Ram Sena, random Mullahs issuing fatwahs against Sania's skirts etc).

I wonder how The Hindu let this completely WTF article slip through their usually reasonable quality gates. Note the flimsy assertions and generalizations unbacked by any data/research/findings/polls whatsoever other than the writer's (warped and repressed, I would say) opinions:
  • "Indian society, by and large, continues to frown upon both pre-marital sex and live-in relationships"
  • "In the West...couples walk in and out of relationships with consummate ease and with hardly any passion or affection characterizing these relationships"
  • "Entering into a bond where there are no vows or values is something that cannot be endorsed"
  • "One could well ask what sanctity is there in such live-ins"
  • "Often, when these live-ins come apart, they could scar either the man or woman for life"
  • "Pre-marital sex too is alien to our culture"
  • "Awareness has to be created in these young minds"
  • "It is in the interest of all that we continue to be old-fashioned and prude"
It must be admitted that one has to try very hard to retain any respect whatsoever for the intellect and education of such a writer and readers can choose to puzzle even harder as to how a respected national newspaper could allow such poor style and content. It is in the national interest for all concerned to do so... OMG, this is infectious. Stay away from this guy.


Shrinath said...

My mind boggled. How come such a reputed newspaper, let a bigoted idiot to voice his views? I guess it speaks quite extensively about the Editor and the mindset. Disgusting and very poorly researched article.

Tyler Durden said...

Its called the TOIlet Syndrome. That being said, when was the last time you read The Hindu on a regular basis?

Ganja Turtle said...

Almost everyday,although selective reading at

Alaphia Zoyab said...

I can see all the frizzled white heads who read The Hindu nodding assiduously the morning they read this. How delighted they must've been to find this cheer-leader of Indian values.

Ganja Turtle said...

LOL... like the desi cab driver in Birmingham who took it upon himself to inform me about the vicissitudes of marrying a white woman "They will run away with your money within 5 years... listen to me, beta, our women are the best".

Call it what you will, but I have a certain fondness for The Hindu, its stodgy Tam-Brahm style opinions, its refusal to throw around muck and its insistentce over the times to remain boring rather than become trashy-exciting like the Times. Like watching a right-proper uncle grow old, mumbly and grumpy. Instead of being stuck between The Hindu and TOI, I need to get a whiff of Mint, I guess ;-)

Ganja Turtle said...

@Shrinath: Thank you for your comment. Actually I find N.Ram's views to be reasonable and actually much more progressive than a lot of his counterparts but you're right... this one that slipped through is downright dodgy!