Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Only at U.Chicago...

... could a geo-physicist professor take on a NY Times best selling econ professor and come out on top!

... could this attract 652 comments citing references to long forgotten academic papers!

Raymond Pierrehumber of the Geophysical sciences Dept. shreds Levitt's arguments on global warming here. Quoting easily available resources, he turns some of the arguments in 'Superfreakonomics' on their head. From what I have seen till now (and from 652 comments quoting every kind of academic journal and cross referenced studies), Levitt seems to have drawn some shoddy conclusions from superficial facts... a pity, because, Malcolm Gladwell already makes a living out of it. But seriously, c'mon, a Clark medallist couldnt have slipped up so badly... so much so that Liz Kolbert at the NYer tears it apart, quoting 18th century horseshit and Al Gore... sheesh. My GSB tee cringes while my U.Chicago flag flies high!

And if that wasnt enough, Krugman at the NY times gets all wistful that he isnt being allowed to do this....Awwwww.

Scathing, fascinating, Darwinian U.Chicago culture at it's best and no holy cows, not even the ones that win Clark medals... do check out the map at the end!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Even the Bean

... is frozen! Its - 26C outside...they did warn me that Chicago is a tough city, but after the madness of Madurai, I thought I knew it all. Well, come Sunday, some skating and sledding shall happen and then we will know what's tough and what's not. The man in the mirror rolls his eyes: "Here we go again"