Common symptoms
Patient cuts off most social contacts.
Walks around with dazed look.
Misses meals at random and wakes up hungry at night.
Dreams on alternate nights about getting selected and getting rejected.
Dream of walking around downtown Chicago, wearing a green Tuckie Tshirt, meeting the girl in the Wharton brochure, the Boston cold and the Stanford heat.
Wakes up with cozy feelings and realizes it was all a dream...deferred.
Often starts praying in the middle of the day.
Detailed breakdown of effects
Week of submission.
Submit online application.
Check next day if application status had turned to "complete" status.
Check again in the evening. And midnight.
Consider sending an enquiry mail to AdCom about status.
Read Dave's blog about persistent applicant horror stories and decide not to.
Repeat checking business until finally breaking loose and sending a "If you dont mind, could you check my application which I submitted (along with $250) a month back and havent even received an acknowledgement yet" (Last drastic step not advisory unless one has the Bush surname.)
1st month post submission
Wake up.
Turn on lappie.
Check mail to see if any i'view invites have come in.
Act surprised that they havent.
Check HBS site to see if status has changed.
Check Stanford site to see if status has changed.
Check Wharton site to see if status has changed.
Check Ross site to see if status has changed.
Check Tuck site to see if status has changed.
Applaud the Chicago and Columbia software which sends updates for every teeny weeny status change.
Walk around with a demented smile after getting 1st invite.
Smile at high targets, smile at the over made up secretary, smile through the pollution, smile through a stupido superboss comment.
Get greedy and go through check-site routine again.
2nd month post submission
Start worrying about 2nd invite.
Invoke God's mercy, grace and goodwill in the 10 seconds that Gmail takes to open.
Option 1 - See spam in mail box that promises enlargements, vitality and every piece of crap except an interview - torn between throttling random spammers and smashing lappie.
Option 2a - See empty mail box and feel totally hollow inside.
Option 2b - See empty mail box and ponder about the mysteries of the universe-calm down with remixed classic quotes "This too shall bloody pass"..."Rome was not built in a frigging day".
Start doing the Mine Vs.Yours-compare no of invites with other applicants.
Start obsessive worrying about not getting any 2nd invite.
Get 2nd invite-do the demented smile routine again.
(The Interview - Contd in Part 2..;-)
The Overshoot Story
1 year ago